gotoPrologWinter – Immediately fast-travel to White Orchard.gotoProlog – Immediately fast-travel to White Orchard.gotoKaerMorhen – Immediately fast-travel to Kaer Morhen.gotoSkellige – Immediately fast-travel to the Skellige Isles.gotoNovigrad – Immediately fast-travel to Novigrad.killall – Kill all enemies engaged in combat.spawn(name,#) – Spawns a specified amount of NPCs.addkeys – Gives you all keys required to open all doors.removemoney(#) – Removes specified number of Crowns.addmoney(#) – Adds specified amount of Crowns.Example: additem(Bear Armor 1,3) Specifying item quantities is optional. additem(name,#) – Adds designated item(s) to inventory.seatattoo(0) – Removes tattoo from Witcher 2 save.

seatattoo(1) – Enables tattoo from Witcher 2 save.If the NPC you damage has a maximum health of 10,000, with this mode enabled you would deal 4,000 damage with each hit. When likeaboss mode is enabled, all damage you deal will be 40% of the recipient’s maximum health level. likeaboss – This is a toggle command (typing it again will turn it off).Example: learnskill(sword_s3) Re-entering command will increase skill level.